Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2012 ~ Here's To New Beginnings!!!

I have always felt that every new day is a new beginning..a new start…a new moment to embrace. Do you?

With each day there is wonder, anticipation…new layers of life, a treasure trove of inspiration, goodness to explore.

That is….if you are willing to see this in each day…and in yourself! It can take a bit excavation + a solid dose of grace ~

A hard won vision…listening to your gut…your inner voice......following your compass or finding it.

Yes, yes…there is wisdom…there is luck….there is also trust.

Each day is an opportunity…to recreate, to evolve…to take risks...to try again and again and again.

Each day brings another moment to believe…in yourself, in others…in whatever you hold true in your heart.

Take all the little pieces you are given…the essential ingredients, the highs the lows the perspective you have earned…the storms...the stolen moments…wander, gather, remember, forgive, inspire and be inspired.

Master the art of flying into each new day with great expectations and curious intellect.

Cheers to you, to each new day…to a new and wondrous year!

With love and thanks...

~ Everyone Here At Vintage Home Collective!!!